Adv IP Psychology 03.03 Other Senses


03.03 Other Senses

(Go to FILE, then DOWNLOAD AS, and pick a file that works for you)

Part 1–Complete this graphic organizer to help you understand these sensory systems. (15 points)

  Taste Smell Touch Kinesthesis Vestibular System
Stimulus chemicals in the air body position in space
Receptors Somesthetic
Location of Receptors semicircular canals
Basic Elements of Perception sweet, sour, salty, bitter  


Part 2:  (15 points)

A circus entertainer uses many sensory cues when performing. Write a paragraph describing three senses that circus entertainers rely on and explain why each is important.

Correct Spelling/Grammar and Academic Integrity check.  (5 points)


03.03 Other Senses

(Go to FILE, then DOWNLOAD AS, and pick a file that works for you)

Part 1–Complete this graphic organizer to help you understand these sensory systems. (15 points)

  Taste Smell Touch Kinesthesis Vestibular System
Stimulus chemicals in the air body position in space
Receptors Somesthetic
Location of Receptors semicircular canals
Basic Elements of Perception sweet, sour, salty, bitter  


Part 2:  (15 points)

A circus entertainer uses many sensory cues when performing. Write a paragraph describing three senses that circus entertainers rely on and explain why each is important.

Correct Spelling/Grammar and Academic Integrity check.  (5 points)


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