Week 2
Drafting Assignment
- Prepare Learning by Doing Assignment 5-3 in chapter 5.
- Review the Jencks Act at 18 U.S.C. $3500. Draft a short essay discussion whether you agree or disagree with the limited procedures allowed to obtain statements of witnesses and why. How, if at all, would you change that procedure?
- Content: 50%
- Grammar: 25%
- Citations: 25%
Chapter 5: Formal Discovery in Criminal Litigation
LBD 5-4: Arrange and conduct the interview of an experienced attorney specializing in criminal defense work, or a prosecuting attorney or paralegal who works in the area of the law. In your interview, ask questions about the importance of formal pretrial discovery to their work, whether they think the rules favor the prosecution, the defense, or neither, and the role they believe the assisting legal professional can play in assisting with formal discovery. Prepare a memorandum summarizing your interview.
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