Chapter 1 review questions


  1. Explain the relationship between law and fact in a lawyer’s work
  2. What are the three steps in the critical thinking process?
  3. The two commandments in interviewing and investigating are ____nothing and ___everything
  4. What do we mean by saying that information discovered in an investigation is or is not “legally relevant”?
  5. Why will a plaintiff’s lawyer in a civil case engage in a prefiling investigation? List as many reasons as you can.
  6. Why will a defense lawyer in a civil case engage in a factual investigation prior to responding to a complaint? List as many reasons as you can.
  7. Why does the legal investigator need to be familiar with the rules of evidence?
  8. Why is the unauthorized practice of law a danger for a lawyer supervising a paralegal and not just for the paralegal herself?
  9. A paralegal is a person a person qualified by ____, ____, or ____ experience who is _____ or _____ by a lawyer, law office, _____, _____ agency or other entity and who performs specifically _______ substantive legal work for which  a ______ is ______.
  10. What traits do lawyers expect in well-trained paralegals? List as many traits as you can think of.


  1. Explain the relationship between law and fact in a lawyer’s work
  2. What are the three steps in the critical thinking process?
  3. The two commandments in interviewing and investigating are ____nothing and ___everything
  4. What do we mean by saying that information discovered in an investigation is or is not “legally relevant”?
  5. Why will a plaintiff’s lawyer in a civil case engage in a prefiling investigation? List as many reasons as you can.
  6. Why will a defense lawyer in a civil case engage in a factual investigation prior to responding to a complaint? List as many reasons as you can.
  7. Why does the legal investigator need to be familiar with the rules of evidence?
  8. Why is the unauthorized practice of law a danger for a lawyer supervising a paralegal and not just for the paralegal herself?
  9. A paralegal is a person a person qualified by ____, ____, or ____ experience who is _____ or _____ by a lawyer, law office, _____, _____ agency or other entity and who performs specifically _______ substantive legal work for which  a ______ is ______.
  10. What traits do lawyers expect in well-trained paralegals? List as many traits as you can think of.KEY WORDS AND PHRASES TO REMEMBER

    Abuse of process


    Application of information

    Categorizing of information

    Cause of action

    Civil litigation

    Comprehension of information

    Criminal litigation


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