Week 8 Final Exam
Page 1 1. (TCO 1 & 4) What would facilitate a business process outsourcing transition quickly and maintain some consistency in the organization? (Points : 5) allow the outsourced firm autonomy to create its own policies and procedures with no regard for the project’s goals
quickly lay off all employees
retain key employees through transition
sidestep the RFP process because it takes too long 2. (TCO 4) Under this pricing contract, the buyer pays the seller’s actual costs and a fixed fee determined as a percentage of the estimated project costs. (Points : 5) CPFF
CPIF 3. (TCO 7) Which step(s) should a buyer take to evaluate the seller’s proposal? (Points : 5) Establish a scoring system
Weigh each evaluation criterion
Select key evaluation criteria
All of the above 4. (TCO 5) Negotiations in a BPO agreement are largely determined by which factor? (Points : 5) The underlying objectives of each of the parties
The scope of services being outsourced
The relative bargaining positions of the parties
All of the above are factors that determine negotiations 5. (TCO 6) Employee morale and expectations, buyer’s precedent, service level desired by the buyer, and the efficient delivery of services by the seller are all _____. (Points : 5) reasons affecting the human resource transfer decision
reasons to outsource human resources
reasons to maintain the business process in-house
reasons to exclude offshoring contractors from bidding on an RFP 6. (TCO 3) Which is not a key component in the project procurement management process? (Points : 5) Select sellers
Plan contracting
Request for proposal
Plan purchases and acquisitions 7. (TCO 6) What are some steps to take when communicating with employees that outsourcing will take place in the company? (Points : 10) 8. (TCO 2 & 6) What typically gets outsourced and what would be the benefits to outsourcing the items listed? Please list and discuss six reasons. (Points : 10) 9. (TCO 9) What happens after a renegotiation? Why does this happen? (Points : 10) 10. (TCO 8 & 9) What is benchmarking? Give two examples with which you are familiar, and tell why benchmarking is useful in outsourcing. (Points : 10) Page 2 1. (TCO 8) What is a performance standard and how is this agreed upon? Recommend the components that would need to be included and why. (Points : 30) 2. (TCO 5) What laws should an organization consult before, during, and after a BPO? Describe two of the laws and how you would include this in a presentation to executives. (Points : 30) 3. (TCO 5 & 7) List and describe five components of a BPO. Then summarize why each of the items that you chose are important to the BPO process. (Points : 30) 4. (TCO 2 & 5) Describe in detail how the negotiation process works when this process is done correctly. Then convince the executive team that the legal team has to be represented in the negotiation process. (Points : 30) 5. (TCO 8 & 10) What is early termination? Give an example and then discuss how can this be avoided or minimized. Persuade the legal team that the verbiage to accomplish this needs to be included in the BPO agreement. (Points : 30) 6.
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