COMM 1003, Mass Communication Week 1 Worksheet Solution


COMM 1003 Week 1 Worksheet

This worksheet is due by Day 7 of Week 1.

Directions: Please download this worksheet by saving the document to your own computer using the naming convention “WK1Assgn+last name+first initial” as the Submission Title. The file name identifies you and indicates to your instructor that your worksheet is available to grade. Please TYPE in your answers in the boxes provided. If you need more space than is provided, the box will expand as you write—so, no need to worry about space. Do not write your answers in a separate document because your instructor uses the rubric after each question to grade that section of this worksheet. You may use the rubric as a guide to make sure you completed that question correctly.

What Is Mass Communication?

  1. Give your own definition of “mass communication” in 25–50 words. You should use your own words to summarize what you may have read in the Week 1 Resources.


COMM 1003 Week 1 Worksheet


This worksheet is due by Day 7 of Week 1.


Directions: Please download this worksheet by saving the document to your own computer using the naming convention “WK1Assgn+last name+first initial” as the Submission Title. The file name identifies you and indicates to your instructor that your worksheet is available to grade. Please TYPE in your answers in the boxes provided. If you need more space than is provided, the box will expand as you write—so, no need to worry about space. Do not write your answers in a separate document because your instructor uses the rubric after each question to grade that section of this worksheet. You may use the rubric as a guide to make sure you completed that question correctly.



What Is Mass Communication?


  1. Give your own definition of “mass communication” in 25–50 words. You should use your own words to summarize what you may have read in the Week 1 Resources.


Insert your answer below


For Instructor Use Only

Question #1 Rubric Points

·         Did the student define “mass communication” in his or her own words? _____/10 points


·         Was the student’s description in complete sentences, 25-50 words, with few spelling and grammatical errors? _____/5 points


Instructor Comments:



15 Points





  1. Describe how mass communication is different from interpersonal communication. As you answer this, be sure to write about how the sender and receiver roles may differ from in each type of communication.


Insert your answer below



For Instructor Use Only

Question #2 Rubric Points

·         Did the student describe how mass communication is different from interpersonal communication?  _____/ 5 points


·         Did the student address how the sender and receiver roles differ? _____/5 points


·         Was the student’s description in complete sentences with few spelling and grammatical errors? _____/5 points


Instructor Comments:



15 Points





  1. Describe how mass communication is different from machine- assisted communication. As you answer this, be sure to write about how feedback and the channel may differ in each type of communication.


Insert your answer below



For Instructor Use Only

Question #3 Rubric Points

·         Did the student describe how mass communication is different from machine-assisted communication?  _____/5 points


·         Did the student address how feedback and the channel differ?  _____/5 points


·         Was the student’s description in complete sentences with few spelling and grammatical errors? _____/5 points


Instructor Comments:



15 Points





  1. Watch the video “Processes of Choosing the Message and the Media,” with Pauline Harris located in the Week 1 Resources. Identify two machine-assisted strategies that she uses to build the visibility of her clients. Explain why these strategies are significant in mass media. As you explain, be sure to apply one idea from any of the Week 1 Course Resources and give proper credit to the source you used.


Note:  To “apply” an idea from your resources means you either quote or paraphrase something your textbook (or another article, video or website listed in the Week 1 Resources) said concerning the idea you are writing about.  Then, you need to cite that source. You can cite the source in parentheses using this format: (Author, publication Date, Page #). For example, if I wanted to quote what the textbook said about gatekeepers, I might write:


Gatekeepers are an important part of mass communication because they have “control over what material eventually reaches the public” (Dominick, 2013, p. 15).


Insert your answer below



For Instructor Use Only

Question #4 Rubric Points

·         Did the student identify two machine-assisted strategies that Pauline Harris used in her marketing firm? Were they able to explain the significance of these strategies that were used?

_____/15 points


·         Did the student apply one idea from the Week 1 Course Resources?  _____/10 points


·         Was the student’s description in complete sentences with few spelling and grammatical errors? _____/5 points


Instructor Comments:



30 Points




Worksheet Total Points 75 points





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