Chapter 11 Review Questions Solved


  1. Why is it important to avoid legal jargon during an interview?
  2. Name several internal obstacles to effective interviewing.
  3. What is empathy and what role does it play in interviewing?
  4. Why should documents that the client or witness bring to an interview be reviewed before questions about them are asked?
  5. What is a narrative summary? What role does it play in an initial client interview?
  6. What is corroborating information? What role does it play in a client interview?
  7. What are the possible reasons a client may be reluctant to provide information?
  8. How do you handle an overly emotional client in an interview?
  9. How do you handle a self-important or condescending client in an interview?
  10. How do you handle an obviously lying client in an interview?


Review Questions

  1. Why is it important to avoid legal jargon during an interview?
  2. Name several internal obstacles to effective interviewing.
  3. What is empathy and what role does it play in interviewing?
  4. Why should documents that the client or witness bring to an interview be reviewed before questions about them are asked?
  5. What is a narrative summary? What role does it play in an initial client interview?
  6. What is corroborating information? What role does it play in a client interview?
  7. What are the possible reasons a client may be reluctant to provide information?
  8. How do you handle an overly emotional client in an interview?
  9. How do you handle a self-important or condescending client in an interview?
  10. How do you handle an obviously lying client in an interview?


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